酒店前厅部英语培训:前台Reception预订reservations 对话英语例句

·  欧洲网 http://www.ouzhou.cc 日期:2017年06月11日_2017-06-11
欧洲网(http://www.ouzhou.cc)英语学习:酒店前厅部英语培训:前台Reception 预订reservations 常用对话英语例句:

前台 Reception

预订 reservations

1、Goodevening, XX Hotel, Reception, how may I help you? / What can Ido for you?


2、Whatkind of room would you like to book?


3、We havesingle rooms ,double rooms, business, deluxe suites and apresidential suite.


4、Whatkind of room do you want? And for when?


5、Forwhat dates, please?


6、Wait amoment, please. Let me check the recent reservations.


7、Just amoment, please. Let me check and see if there is a roomavailable?


8、Yes, wedo have a single room for tomorrow.


9、I′m sorry, but we′refully booked for singlerooms. Would you like to have a double room?


10、I′m sorry, but the hotel is full on thatdate.


11、It′s…yuan per roomper night, with breakfast.


12、Weoffer…percent discount for a groupreservation, sir.


13、This isthe best price we can offer,because the company doesn’t make a contract/anagreementwith us.


14、Ingeneral, we offer the walk-in guest a20% discount. But the40% discount can beconsidered if you want more than tenrooms.


15、Is ittoo expensive for you? How aboutyou check in now, then I’ll speak to mymanager and tryto give a better price.
