小鹏汽车德国招聘会Xiaopeng Motors’ overseas recruitment
欧洲网(http://job.ouzhou.cc)2017年9月招聘资讯:小鹏汽车德国招聘会Xiaopeng Motors’ overseas recruitment。代步就够了吗?Enough to have just a means of transportation?不,我们认为汽车正由代步工具进化为你的出行伴侣。我们相信进化的不仅仅是驱动方式与配置,真正的进化是为用户带来极致的使用体验,拓展你的生活宽度而不仅仅是出行半径。
No, we think that cars are evolving fromyour means of transportation into your travel partner. We believe that this evolutionis not just about the driving pattern or the configuration but also about your ultimatedriving experience, to expand your life’s bandwidth but not just the radius ofyour travel.
Personal resume can be delivered to: hr@xiaopeng.com
XiaopengMotors recruitment tour in Germany
Novotel Aachen City Hotel
Peterstrasse 66, 52062 Aachen
September 16th (Samstag)14:20-17:30
14:20 - 15:15 Salon I -Vorträge:XPENG MOTORS: "Innovation gestaltetZukunft"
He,Tao,Mitbegründer und Vizepräsident
Ji,Yu,Vizepräsident für Produktion
Zhou,Hong,Chefingenieur für Fahrsicherheitssysteme
15:15 - 15:30 Kaffeepause
15:30 - 16:30 Salon II -Diskussion:XPENG MOTORS: "Innovation gestaltetZukunft"
16:30 - 17:30 Tiefgehendere Gespräche mitinteressierten Teilnehmern
Hotel Campus Guest (Commundo Tagungshotel Stuttgart)
Universitätstrasse 34, 70569 Stuttgart
September 17th (Sonntag)14:20-17:30
14:20 - 15:15 Salon I -Vorträge:XPENG MOTORS: "Innovation gestaltetZukunft"
He,Tao,Mitbegründer und Vizepräsident
Ji,Yu, Vizepräsidentfür Produktion
Zhou,Hong,Chefingenieur für Fahrsicherheitssysteme
15:15 - 15:30 Kaffeepause
15:30 - 16:30 Salon II -Diskussion:XPENG MOTORS: "Innovation gestaltetZukunft"
16:30 -17:30 Tiefgehendere Gespräche mit interessierten Teilnehmern
Social Recruitment
业务领域 Business field
岗位方向 Job description |
职位需求 Position |
智能网联领域 |
智能驾驶、车载嵌入式电子等 |
总师、高级工程师 |
新能源领域 |
电池、电机、电控等 |
总师、高级工程师 |
整车工程领域 |
性能集成、底盘、车身、智能制造等 |
总师、高级工程师 |
专业 Major
岗位方向 Job description |
电气工程 Electrical Engineering |
新能源汽车、电池技术等 New energy vehicles,battery technology and other directions |
计算机工程 Computer Engineering |
智能驾驶、车联网、人工智能、机器学习、大数据、车载嵌入式电子等 Artificial intelligence,Machine learning,Big date,Intelligent driving,Internet of vehicle and other dierections |
机械工程等与汽车相关专业 Mechanical Engineering and other auto related major |
Vehicle performance integration,Chassis,Body Engineering and other directions |
Freedomis just from A to B?
Today, for the fun of driving, you need tocontrol both pedals and steering wheel; in the future, we will free yourselfcompletely and have you enjoy the brand-new driving experience with more freetime and space.
Whyshould everybody look the same?
Every one of us is a different individual,but why should our cars be the same? We insist that every user should followhis/her own way, and continue to keep it in his/her exclusive car.
Whoknows you better than you do?
Is there anything cooler than making yourown car? We believe that it is a real car of yourself only if when you are moreinvolved in its specification and development.
Based on the ultimate automotive productsof the Internet, we are committed to applying new technologies, process and businessmodels to create cars that are popular with young people. We redefine allvehicle related process such as driving, purchase, maintenance, etc., andprovide users the travel experience beyond expectations.
We are committed to become a company withthe mission to provide the ultimate product and service to our users. We willwork to promote “open door” policy which will offer our users more chance toparticipate in the process of defining and making their own favorite products.
We are XiaopengMotors.