中石化欧洲公司招聘财务部会计及执行部实习生-工作地点 德国-2017年5月27日

·  欧洲网 http://www.ouzhou.cc 日期:2017年05月27日_2017-05-27

欧洲网(http://www.ouzhou.cc)2017年5月27日:中石化欧洲公司招聘财务部会计及执行部实习生-工作地点 德国,部分招聘信息来源于网络,应聘者投递时请鉴别有效性。 



Position: Accounting


Number: one vacancy




1. 大学本科以上学历,有国内会计专业背景;

Bachelor Degree or above, background knowledge of Chineseaccounting preferred,

2. 有企业成本、费用记账会计知识,德国公司会计部门工作经验;

knowledge in Company costs and expense accounting,working experience in Accounting Dep. in a German company

3. 熟悉德国通用会计准则知识和当地税法制度者优先;

familiar with German Accounting Systems and localTaxation Regulations preferred

4. 能熟练操作office办公软件,有SAP操作经验者优先;

Good computer skills in MS office applications, workingexperience in SAP operating preferred

5. 能够熟练应运用英语、德语进行口头和书面交流,懂中文者优先;

fluent oral and written in English and German, Chinesepreferred

6. 工作细心、耐心,具备良好的服务意识;较强的文字处理能力;具有良好沟通和学习能力;

high attention to detail and accuracy, good at paperwork,good communication skills and be willing to learn 




Job : Inter in Executive Dep.(6 Months or more)



Number:  two vacancies



Job Description:Responsible for the Contract Executive, Quality and delivery progresscontrol, etc.




Job Requirements:

1.  国际贸易,机械制造等相关专业毕业 ;

Candidates should major in international trading,mechanical equipment major,etc;

2. 能够熟练应运用英语、德语进行口头和书面交流,懂中文者优先;

Candidates should have fluent oral and written communicationskills in English and German.

3. 能够熟练应用电脑,使用Word、Excel等办公软件;

Candidate should be skilled in computer and capable user of pc officeapplications such as Word and Excel;

4. 能够出差,有驾照者优先;

All other things equal, candidate with driving license is preferred.



katyaduchevatova@gmail.com 请写明电话及电邮联系方式,不接受电话咨询及站内短信。

The deadline forrecruitment is Dec 31st, 2016. Please send your resume in Chinese and Englishwith your salary imagination to katyaduchevatova@gmail.com.